
New PLN Tool

 One tool that was not mentioned in class was Facebook. During high school, and even with social clubs in college, Facebook was used to communicated to both parents and students. Especially for extracurriculars like sports or band, there would be Facebook groups for parents, teachers, and students to all communicate in one place. 

Journal 10

     I thought that I was already good at PowerPoint, but after completing Assignment 5 I feel like an expert! I liked how this assignment allowed us to be creative and explore fun ways to engage students. I wish teachers I had could make PowerPoint games like this! The only think I did not like about this assignment is I wish I knew more shortcuts to make the tedious parts.     After reviewing my classmates' blogs, it is very nice to see that many people have also learned just as much as I have if not more! It is encouraging to see other people have similar struggles and came into the class not knowing much, just like myself! Even though we do not get to talk much in class, I like that I felt like we have communicated virtually through blogs and other resources! I hope that all myself and my peers are able apply all the material and information we learned this semester into the real world, whether we go into education or not!      One technology skill I would like to learn is how

Journal 9

     I like how this class has showed me many resources that I would not have found otherwise. I will also be able to use these resources for future jobs to make technology easier. I don’t like how I can get confused and lost in the work during this class. It is also harder to keep up with participation without having a good amount of time in the classroom. If I became a teacher, I could improve classroom experience by having a a forum for student to put in input about a class and to get help.            Open educational resources are items that have free access that are openly licensed for educational and research purposes. Users can edit or share these resources with others as well. I found an article from UNESECO that talks about OERs and how they are very useful to classrooms. This website gives many resources for further research as well as examples.      During Assignment 4, I learned how to efficiently use PowerPoint to make t

Journal 8

While creating the web design I learned a lot of new skills, such as how to create a Google Calendar and sync it to a website. While creating the website, I used all of the CRAP principles. For example, I was trying to be aware of contrast with the colors to insure that everyone can read the text. I liked how this assignment gave us experience for something that could be helpful for teaching, as well as other possible careers. I would like to go into marketing so I could use these skills when creating other websites or content. Diigo is a great resource that could be helpful for teachers in the classroom to keep all of their helpful links together in one place. Not only will it keep links in the same place, but it can share your resources with other teachers and get opinions. I like how you annotate within the website by highlighting and commenting. This is very helpful to find information I was previously looking at to remember my thoughts. https://

Journal 7

  I looked at my elementary/middle school’s website and their class pages were arranged by grade level. Every grade level had links to each teacher’s emails. There was also a link to a separate website, one for middle school, another for elementary where all extracurricular activities were listed. There were also pictures of activities done throughout the school. And on each page there were important due dates as well as YouTube videos for inspiration on various projects.      Since I have decided to go into marketing, there will be many online resources that I will use in my daily work life. One tool I would use is Class Dojo to help with class management. Another tool for teachers is Apple Podcasts has a variety of podcasts for teachers, even FSU has some educational podcasts! I would also use Google Scholar to find peer reviewed resources with lots of educational topics.     I did not participate in the Twitter days of the week challenge because I feel like I am constantly on social

Journal 6

      Initially, I did not like Diigo because of all the technology difficulties I experienced in class when it was first introduced. After the difficulties were cleared up, I thought that Diigo was a very helpful resource in order to keep lots of information and links together and saved. It could also be used for any job rather than just teaching, and I have even started to use the highlighting options with the download. I like the idea of the website; however, the website seems overwhelming with information and very bland and unorganized.     I enjoy blogging and journalling because I like to put my ideas down. I enjoy being able to be creative and unique with my writings. However, I do not prefer blogging because I normally like to keep my journalling private. I have learned that blogging takes a lot of time and effort to keep up with. I was always interested in bloggers, but I did not think about all of the effort it takes to constantly put out content.     A Web 2.0 tool that I wo

Journal 5

      Prior to this class, I had never used Twitter. I have looked around and tweeted on the #CrazyPLN chat and it seems like a great resource for teachers to get ideas. I have even learned about new technology to track students' engagement that I had never seen before! Twitter can be helpful for my future career to see what the latest trends are and to find new resources that I can implement into my job.     The digital divide is another way for students that are less fortunate to get further behind than their peers. The digital divide effects the success in schools because if one school cannot afford technology while others can, students at the school with the technology will have an advantage and will be more confident when using technology. Some causes of the digital divide include no access to technology due to financial situations or lack of Internet.      A software system that I would like to implement in my classroom to help with classroom management if I taught elementary