Journal 10

    I thought that I was already good at PowerPoint, but after completing Assignment 5 I feel like an expert! I liked how this assignment allowed us to be creative and explore fun ways to engage students. I wish teachers I had could make PowerPoint games like this! The only think I did not like about this assignment is I wish I knew more shortcuts to make the tedious parts.

    After reviewing my classmates' blogs, it is very nice to see that many people have also learned just as much as I have if not more! It is encouraging to see other people have similar struggles and came into the class not knowing much, just like myself! Even though we do not get to talk much in class, I like that I felt like we have communicated virtually through blogs and other resources! I hope that all myself and my peers are able apply all the material and information we learned this semester into the real world, whether we go into education or not!

    One technology skill I would like to learn is how to use Excel. I know this is used a lot within the work force and I have had little experience using it in school. There are many shortcuts within Excel that would be very helpful to know if I have to use it. It would also look great for future jobs if I have a good background with Excel! I wrote this before we discussed Excel in class, but I would still like to learn more about Excel to be more efficient!!


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