Journal 6

     Initially, I did not like Diigo because of all the technology difficulties I experienced in class when it was first introduced. After the difficulties were cleared up, I thought that Diigo was a very helpful resource in order to keep lots of information and links together and saved. It could also be used for any job rather than just teaching, and I have even started to use the highlighting options with the download. I like the idea of the website; however, the website seems overwhelming with information and very bland and unorganized.

    I enjoy blogging and journalling because I like to put my ideas down. I enjoy being able to be creative and unique with my writings. However, I do not prefer blogging because I normally like to keep my journalling private. I have learned that blogging takes a lot of time and effort to keep up with. I was always interested in bloggers, but I did not think about all of the effort it takes to constantly put out content.

    A Web 2.0 tool that I would use in my future classroom would be Class Dojo if I were to teach elementary school. It is a great app that I used when I was in elementary school, and it helped a lot with classroom management. This app gives students positive reinforcement for going above and beyond to be a better student. While it also gives negative reinforcement to students who have negative behavior in the class. Meanwhile, it directly tells parents about their child's behavior so they are aware throughout the day.


  1. Hey Georgia, I agree that Diigo seems like a fantastic tool with many features to it. The highlighting tool seems like a nice touch. Even though you do not prefer having your thoughts published so publically, I find your blog posts to be delightful. You have excellent gramatical structure and are a really great writer.


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