Journal 5

     Prior to this class, I had never used Twitter. I have looked around and tweeted on the #CrazyPLN chat and it seems like a great resource for teachers to get ideas. I have even learned about new technology to track students' engagement that I had never seen before! Twitter can be helpful for my future career to see what the latest trends are and to find new resources that I can implement into my job.

    The digital divide is another way for students that are less fortunate to get further behind than their peers. The digital divide effects the success in schools because if one school cannot afford technology while others can, students at the school with the technology will have an advantage and will be more confident when using technology. Some causes of the digital divide include no access to technology due to financial situations or lack of Internet. 

    A software system that I would like to implement in my classroom to help with classroom management if I taught elementary school is Class Dojo. We used this when I was in fourth grade and it worked very well and it made every student aware of their behavior and strive to be their best to get more points. I would also like to use Microsoft 365 because it will be very helpful for students to understand how to use this at a young age. It will help them for future classes and projects and it will give them experience for jobs and college.


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