
Showing posts from February, 2023

Journal 6

      Initially, I did not like Diigo because of all the technology difficulties I experienced in class when it was first introduced. After the difficulties were cleared up, I thought that Diigo was a very helpful resource in order to keep lots of information and links together and saved. It could also be used for any job rather than just teaching, and I have even started to use the highlighting options with the download. I like the idea of the website; however, the website seems overwhelming with information and very bland and unorganized.     I enjoy blogging and journalling because I like to put my ideas down. I enjoy being able to be creative and unique with my writings. However, I do not prefer blogging because I normally like to keep my journalling private. I have learned that blogging takes a lot of time and effort to keep up with. I was always interested in bloggers, but I did not think about all of the effort it takes to constantly put out content.     A Web 2.0 tool that I wo

Journal 5

      Prior to this class, I had never used Twitter. I have looked around and tweeted on the #CrazyPLN chat and it seems like a great resource for teachers to get ideas. I have even learned about new technology to track students' engagement that I had never seen before! Twitter can be helpful for my future career to see what the latest trends are and to find new resources that I can implement into my job.     The digital divide is another way for students that are less fortunate to get further behind than their peers. The digital divide effects the success in schools because if one school cannot afford technology while others can, students at the school with the technology will have an advantage and will be more confident when using technology. Some causes of the digital divide include no access to technology due to financial situations or lack of Internet.      A software system that I would like to implement in my classroom to help with classroom management if I taught elementary

Journal 4

The ELA Standards expect stridency to read, write, speak, listen, and use the English language in many different ways. One of the standards is to be able to use basic keyword searches and communicate with teachers and students. I feel very prepared to implement this standard because I feel like I make basic searches multiple times a day with school and life. I also am good at communicating and keeping up with my email and texts, especially since I have to communicate with numerous girls in my sorority.      One resource I found was a virtual scenario or game that students can play called “Bianca’s Place Value Bubble Gum Factory.” This game helps students understand place value in an interactive way. Students are given a number, then they are asked to place each number in the correct value place. After, they are expected to separate the pieces into rappers according to place value. It teaches them what place value means while giving students a real world application.   As a teacher, it

Journal 3

  Copyright is a way to protect people’s intellectual property. The owner of these works has specific rights and can decide who and how others use their works. Fair use is guidelines within the Copyright Act of 1976. These allow others to use materials that were copyrighted for nonprofit educational purposes. As a teacher, I would be very thorough when citing my sources, especially when I am printing or distributing material I will make sure that it has the Creative Commons license shown. For my students, I would have a strict no plagiarism policy, even when they are young and copy students within the classroom. I would explain to them from the first day how you can’t copy others’ work without giving credit and there can be bad consequences if not. One potential technology implementation issue is decreased productivity. A solution to this is to make sure that my classroom is set up in a way that I can easily walk behind students to monitor their screens. Another potential technolog