Journal 3

  Copyright is a way to protect people’s intellectual property. The owner of these works has specific rights and can decide who and how others use their works. Fair use is guidelines within the Copyright Act of 1976. These allow others to use materials that were copyrighted for nonprofit educational purposes. As a teacher, I would be very thorough when citing my sources, especially when I am printing or distributing material I will make sure that it has the Creative Commons license shown. For my students, I would have a strict no plagiarism policy, even when they are young and copy students within the classroom. I would explain to them from the first day how you can’t copy others’ work without giving credit and there can be bad consequences if not.

One potential technology implementation issue is decreased productivity. A solution to this is to make sure that my classroom is set up in a way that I can easily walk behind students to monitor their screens. Another potential technology implementation issue is academic dishonesty. A solution to this is to put their written works through a plagiarism checking cite, and to use honor lock during exams. I would also frequently ask questions to students about the material to make sure that they are completing the work.

I learned many new skills while working on the newsletter, specifically with formatting. I had never used the column feature in Word and it was tricky at first but after working with it, I got the hang of it. I could improve my future newsletter by making sure transitions between images and text boxes were smoother. I could have also done more font and color variations. These skills can be used for my future career since I have an interest in marketing, I became more aware of color contrasts on a flyer. It also helped me learn how to format documents better. 

"Computer lab" by J. Paxon Reyes is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.


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