Journal 2

  When I was in second grade, we were first introduced to Microsoft Word. Since my mom was a programmer for IBM, she came in to my class and taught everyone how to use Word along with my teacher. We wrote short papers using Microsoft Word during our technology class. After that we were expected to know to to keep using Microsoft. During upper elementary school, we used PowerPoint for presentations and we were taught how to use Excel as well.

The ISTE Standard that is most meaningful to me is 2.5 Designer. This standard expects educators to create unique and creative technological activities and environments for various learning styles. I think this is important for K-12 educators because it highlights the importance of accommodations for all learning styles. This way all students can learn best and they will be engaged and more motivated to learn. Not all students learn the same, I think it is important to give everyone an equal opportunity to learn in a way that caters to them.

I do agree that with the label “digital native” for today’s youth. The term digital native means that children that have grown up with technology, do not need to be taught how to use it. I have noticed differences especially during school because us students would understand and naturally be able to use technology without being taught. Our teachers, which were digital natives, often needed help using computers and projectors. I feel like this made the learning experience slower because of all of the unnecessary time it took for students to help the teacher. Also there could have been missed opportunities and activities we could have used with the technology but did not because my teachers did not know how to use it. I do not anticipate many differences between me and my future students in terms of how we use technology. I consider myself pretty tech savvy and I keep myself up to date on the newest technology. 


  1. I like how detailed your experience was. It's also interesting that I was never taught Excel, but I probably should have been. I have also definitely been there with the technology holding up a class. It's important for teachers to be able to use their tools in the classroom!


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